You are probably right. I tried tossing some very tiny pebbles into still
water today to see what happens. It happens so fast that it's hard to tell
with absolute certainty, but what I saw was a tall plume of water where the
pebble went in, then a sort of chaotic jumble of turbulance before the
circular pattern formed. By the time the concentric rings were visable and
moving outward, the center was flat. A collection of stop motion photos of
the real thing would be helpful. The scene I depicted in this animation is
more like what happens when the ripples are generated from below, such as a
fish just barely breaking the surface. I also noticed today that water
beetles moving about on the surface constantly create new rings of ripples,
and the center stays perfectly flat.
Greg M. Johnson <"gregj;-)56590\""@aol.c;-)om> wrote in message
> All details are excellent, but I feel like I'm missing something in the
> Shouldn't there be a drop plop up & down? and it seems to go perfectly
flat in
> the center too soon...
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